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PhD Topic Selection Help

Your research topic stands to showcase what your study is aiming at and how it will approach to achieve results. It must represent what lies ahead in the research and is testimony to your subject interests. A good research work with a mediocre topic can simply pile on in the bulk of research online, while an intriguing, interesting research topic can instigate the first move by a reader.

What Must a Good PhD Topic Hold?

  • 1 Well-DefinedA research topic must be well-phrased, well-defined and shouldn’t provide double-barreled impression. Rather it should focus on specific concept.
  • 2 EthicalThe research topic must be accountable to the public, promote values for collaborative work, legal and non-discriminant.
  • 3 FeasibleThe topic must be researchable, include accessible sources, and should provide the provision of completing the research within limited period & budget.
  • 4 Speak of Current ImportanceAn obsolete topic won’t add value to your field of study. A good topic must be of current importance & its outcomes should have the potential to add sense to the research field.

The consultants at Academic Research are subject-matter experts and can help you choose a topic that delivers news-breaking result. Prior to providing you with the topic, we understand the scope of the research topic and evaluate them to determine if they are research-worthy. Besides suggesting topics, we also explain to you the basic concept, pros & the limitations of the topic.

To get in touch with our consultants, write to us at info@academicresearch.com.my.

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